David Ganssle

David Ganssle

Age: 14
Siblings: Nick(age 12), Elizabeth(age 8)
Hobbies: Web site making, electric trains, cartooning
Martial status: unmarried(I'm only 14, genius!), likes a girl in his math class
Favorite Bands: dc Talk, Tinted Windows(I'm the manager), The Beatles(need I say more?)
Favorite Comic Strips: FoxTrot, Peanuts, Dilbert, Calvin and Hobbes
Favorite Movies: ALL of the Abbott and Costellos, Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Help Job on WAC: Webmaster, cartoonist, Sax/Singer of DeCola Double Ganssle
Current Projects: Mission: Improbable"(computer game starring D. Dog), Wacworld Theme Park creator(sim-themepark type thing)
Other sites: David's Star Wars Galaxy, Enormously FoxTrot
E-mail: doggans@aol.com